Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lavendar T'ej

I am starting a batch of lavendar t'ej (Ethiopian honey wine) tonight, in the hopes that it will be ready to drink for my 29th birthday in 3 weeks. I've been really getting into Sandor Ellix Katz's amazing book Wild Fermentation lately. T'ej is one of the simplest natural ferments ever. Just two ingredients, honey and water. The yeasts and microbes naturally occuring in the air around us do the rest. It's lavendar harvestin' time, the community gardens are overflowin with the stuff, and I thought this would be a nice, light, sweet taste to add to my batch o' homebrew. We'll see how it turns out.

Other activities this eve:

See Smells Like Gina at Meghan's house in Polish Hill
Watch Animals Attack! with Shaun and Morgan
Silkscreen t-shirts for AIR benefit this weekend

So much to do! So much to love! Freakout!

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